Zakir Garalov threatens NGOs new media harassment

In an interview with reporters the Prosecutor General Zakir Garalov said that NGOs and foreign media do not follow laws of Azerbaijan. According to him, some NGOs  are not registered, do not provide reports on  funds they receive. Foreign media do not sign the relevant agreements with local journalists. According to Garalov, some NGOs underestimated in the reports the they receive. He urged NGOs and journalists not to violate the law. "If they continue with their patrons corruption schemes, they will answer be brought to justice," said Garalov.

In spring of 2014 a lawsuit was filed against some local and foreign NGOs, in the frameworks of which well-known activists were arrested, bank accounts of dozens of NGOs were frozen, their leaders were banned  to leave the country. As a result, for half year the activities of civil society is paralyzed.

The Ministry of Justice suspended the registration of grants. At the same time, most NGOs cannot receive state registration for years,  therefore  the claims of the Attorney General are simply illogical.

The  Prosecutor Office "transparent" in investigating the  cases against NGOs and the Interior Ministry  says nothing on mass arrests of businessmen in the investigation of bad loans "International Bank of Azerbaijan" which is estimated in billions. This process continues for several months, but the public is not given official information. -06D-

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