Əli Kərimli

Əli Kərimli

PFPA Chairman Ali Kerimli was summoned to the Investigation Department for Serious Crimes of the General Prosecutor's Office. The Prosecutor General's Office of the country, in which falsifications are widespread, received "facts"  the  issuance of false documents on behalf of PFPA, and began  an appropriate investigation.

But in fact, this "investigation" was announced by Deputy Executive Secretary of the  Yeni Azerbaijan party (YAP) S. Novruzov. Thus, the  body responsible for observing the laws in the country and the function of supervising it reached,  has filed a lawsuit against the leadership of the leading opposition party of the country  by one word of the  YAR functionary, and calls it for interrogation in connection with a non-existent issue.

When the secrets of offshore accounts were disclosed, we, as the National Council, wrote to the Prosecutor General's Office about the need to initiate an investigation into the export from the country and the placement of large amounts of currency in the accounts on the Virgin Islands. Several months ago our appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office of the country regarding the bribery of the PACE deputy from Italy, Luka Volonthe, by the authorities of Azerbaijan took place. Recently it became known that "Baktelecom" LLC, connected with the ruling family, transferred one billion Euros to covert accounts only in one calendar year, and in addition, due to the loss of solvency, this company was exempted from paying taxes in the amount of AZN 31 million.

The fact that the Prosecutor General's Office, turning a blind eye to all these glaring facts,  summoned Ali Kerimli and Gözel Bayramli to give evidence, seems very biased and funny. By the way, a week ago, the European Court of Human Rights announced a decision on violations in the 2010 parliamentary elections. In this resolution it was noted that in those elections the chairman of the Popular Front Party, his deputies, several influential persons included in the leadership of the party won, but because of falsification of the election results, they were deprived of deputy mandates. For this falsification, the authorities have been fined, and by the decision of the international court, they will have to pay compensation.

Pay attention to who then Gözel Bayramli won, approved in 2017 by a decision of the European Court? As a result of the falsification, her mandate  was given to the Executive Secretary of YAP. So, 7 years later, the international court confirmed that the mandate issued to the executive secretary of YAP, boasting 600,000 people in its ranks, belongs to Gözel Bayramli, and for this falsification the authorities of Azerbaijan were fined.

What more significant fact should take place that the Prosecutor General's Office finally began investigating the crime taking place in the elections? The European Court of Human Rights confirmed that Ali Kerimli won both the 2005 and the 2010 elections in the parliamentary elections. And his mandate was given to others. The Office of the Prosecutor General, instead of investigating emigrant searches and using them as a means of exerting pressure on the PFPA, should assess the facts of crimes confirmed at the international level.

Today, the authorities are concerned not with the belated confirmation of the superiority of Ali Kerimli, the main thing that worries them is that, despite all these pressures, persecution, slander, he is in the forefront of the struggle, has the potential, strength, will and determination to win people's trust in any fair election. This is why the authorities  are concerned!

This is the immense political significance of the fact that he and the front-line soldiers, whose victory is confirmed by the European Court, in 2005 and 2010 won votes and earned the people's trust. The decisions of the European Court on the elections of 2005 and 2010 indicate that at least 10 years, many of the functionaries and adherents of the YAP occupy seats belonging to the opposition, legitimately won the election. But it is the prosecutor's office that must exercise control over the proper administration of laws, including compliance with the electoral legislation.

For over 10 years, the chairman of the opposition party has been illegally deprived of a foreign passport. The European Court confirmed that this is a violation of the law, and issued a decision on the immediate issuance of Ali Karimli's foreign passport, and also fined the government for these illegal actions. However, the government, which has shown generosity in issuing a fine, still delays the deal with the foreign passport of the chairman of the leading opposition party, illegally uses the state's resources against its opponents. Over the  past 10 years they did their best to slander Ali Kerimli.

Once he was accused of poisoning the leader of the National Liberation Movement of Azerbaijan Abulfaz Elchibey, and the prosecutor's office began to investigate. For the past 5 years, his brother-in-law has been held in custody as a hostage for no reason. Arranging in November 2015 events in Nardaran, the completed death

After the  November 2015 events in Nardaran, which ended in a fatal outcome,  the authorities wanted to get through torture  the participants to testify that Ali  Kerimli allegedly was the "organizer" of a coup d'état. When the policy of the authorities on the Karabakh settlement collapsed, pickets were arranged in front of his house, demanding from him "long-lost keys from Karabakh". In the summer of last year, the authorities, "restoring" cooperation with F. Gulen in the name of the Popular Front, prepared the ground for the arrest of Ali Kerimli. And now we have taken on the emigrant certificates, which have nothing to do with the PFPA and Ali Kerimli. But this attempt failed before the investigation. Because falsification is so obvious that neither in lawyers nor in investigators is there any need.

The authorities are good at appropriating billions, using fake documents. But they are so mediocre, that they cannot even make false documents, more or less similar to the original. Why did they suddenly remember these emigrant IDs? Of course, emigrant IDs are just an excuse, this interrogation is conducted as part of the investigation of the rally held on April 8. The authorities believed that they plowed the society, destroyed the social base of mass actions, finally frightened people with arrests and persecutions. However, the action of the National Council on April 8 destroyed this opinion. And the summon of  Ali Kerimli, Gözel Bayramli and other persons responsible for the organizational work of the party, is connected with this to the Investigation Department for Serious Crimes of the Prosecutor General's Office.

After  death of  Hasan Kerimov, who at one time made a great contribution to the solution of organizational issues of the party, Fuad Gahramanli headed the preparation of meetings of the party.  In order to  isolate him from society, weakening the party, he was thoughtlessly associated with the events in Nardaran, to which he had nothing to do. At present, according to false accusations in concentration camps, dozens of persons from the party leadership are kept. After the arrest of Fuad Bey, Gözel Bayramli is responsible for preparing for the mass actions of the party. The fact that she was summoned to the Investigative Committee is also related to the authorities' concern with the communication on April 8.

The fact is that, despite the participation in the action on April 8 of a smaller number of people than we expected against the backdrop of the current failed policy of the current authorities, there were still more of them than the authorities had expected. They did not expect that after all the measures, arrests, persecutions, intimidation, seizure of relatives of people hostage, the transfer of Sunday to  Saturday and such unsavory actions, so many people will come to the square, such support will be given to political prisoners, such a decisive "No! "Predatory, embezzlement, corrupt government policies. And now Ali Kerimli  is blamed for all this, and not for non-existent forged identities. And the fact that the campaign of slander and persecution is again launched against the People's Front is directly connected with this.

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