<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/4oHQFuHok-0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/4oHQFuHok-0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

In recent days, official Baku seems to have woken up from knockdowns in Strasbourg, where two serious resolutions criticizing Azerbaijan have been adopted. In the first case, it was a question of suppressing the rights and freedoms of the press, and the second raised the old and very difficult problem of political prisoners. Despite all the efforts and lobbying activity, the delegation from Baku failed to persuade the Europeans to fail the report on political prisoners. The artistry of Samed Seyidov and his acting abilities only aggravated the situation.

The euphoria from bribing a group of European deputies led by Luca Volonte in 2013, when Strasser's report failed, has long passed. Fear of new scandals such as “Landromat” and “Caviar Diplomacy” scared away loyal Europeans from Azerbaijan for a long time.

Another blow to the authorities was a criticism of the OSCE / ODIHR mission of numerous and flagrant violations during the February 9 parliamentary elections. There is no doubt that in the final document they will be called undemocratic.

Against this background, official Baku did not find anything better than to choose an unusual tactic - protecting the rights of political prisoners in ... Armenia.

Officials and pro-government media seriously raise the question that Robert Kocharian is a political prisoner (!) and accuse the Council of Europe of not seeing it.

Yesterday Samed Seyidov tore his shirt on himself, shouting to the whole of Strasbourg that there was no concept of a “political prisoner”, and it should not be used. Apparently, he wanted to say that there can be no political prisoners-Azerbaijanis, but the Armenians, so they are all political prisoners-and Kocharian and Serzh Sargsyan and all other war criminals, the arrest and punishment of which the law enforcement agencies of Azerbaijan have been demanding for many years.

Official Baku apparently forgot how after the overthrow of the regime of Serge Sargsyan loudly declared that finally the Armenian people had overthrown the gangster regime and put in prison those who had been drinking their blood for decades. What Azerbaijan has long said that Kocharyan and Sargsyan committed numerous bloody crimes, including genocide in Khojaly ...

We are no longer surprised by the level of the "director" of this theater of the absurd. Earlier all this caused laughter, but now it is clearly visible that a crazy house is crying for this "director". -0-


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