What Azerbaijan has achieved over 30 years of independence

Baku/18.10.21/Turan: 30 years ago, on October 18, 1991, on the basis of the "Declaration of Independence" adopted by the National Council of Azerbaijan on May 26, 1918 and on the succession of democratic principles and traditions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and following the Declaration "On the Restoration of State Independence of Azerbaijan" of August 30, 1991, the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR adopted the Constitutional Act on State Independence. That was one of the greatest and most glorious events in the history of the statehood of the Azerbaijani people.

How was this period in the history of the country memorable from political, economic, social, legal and cultural points of view?

These and other questions were answered in the program "Hard question" by Isa Gambar, deputy (independent deputy) of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijani SSR, ex-chairman of "Musavat" party, head of "National Center of Strategic Thought".

According to Gambar, the struggle for national independence that started 30 years ago is not over yet. And 44-day war which ended with liberation of a large part of the occupied territories, is one of stages of this struggle. I think the struggle for liberation of territories is equally a struggle for independence because the occupation is due to Russia's desire and policy to hamper our real independence, to create problems for us. So I think we achieved our independence, a big part of our territory was liberated from Russian control and is under the control of the people. The next stage was the Karabakh conflict which was partially solved, but some problems still remain.

In his opinion, in the territory controlled by the Azerbaijani people, it is necessary to ensure the normal system of governance, justice, order and the rule of law. These issues can be solved by the independent people. "I am convinced that the people that managed to gain independence will be able to establish order and law in the country, achieve political freedoms," he said.

When it comes to allegations of some people that "Azerbaijan has lost Karabakh by gaining independence," Gabmar said:

"It should be understood that if before the whole of Azerbaijan had been under the Russian occupation, today just a part of it. With time we will return control over these territories as well".-0-


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