Why is it so difficult to dismiss Ramiz Mehdiyev?

Baku/03.02.22/Turan: One of the main topics on the agenda of recent days is the campaign to dismiss Ramiz Mehdiyev from the post of president of ANAS (National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan). Academy scientists have repeatedly demanded resignation of Ramiz Mehdiyev, however, apparently, Ramiz Mehdiyev does not intend to part with his chair.

Another topic of the week, of course, is the arrest of millions of MP Javanshir Feyziev by a London court. Despite the publication of materials about this by the world's leading media, the General Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan is in no hurry to start an investigation into how these millions were taken out of Azerbaijan. It also became known this week that “Caspian Yildiz”, owned by MP Igbal Mammadov, owes 10 million manats to the tax authorities.

The head of the Musavat party, Arif Hajili commented on these and other issues in the "Difficult Question" program.

According to him, dismissing Ramiz Mehdiyev should not be such a difficult task for the  leadership of the country. Moreover, being a major state official - the head of the department of the Presidential Administration, and then the head of the Presidential Administration, he, contrary to the law, developed a vigorous entrepreneurial activity.  He  received large sums of money.

“In Baku, as well as in other cities of Azerbaijan, and possibly abroad, Ramiz Mehdiyev has large property and funds,” said Hajily.

However, according to Hajily, the fact that Ramiz Mehdiyev played a significant role in bringing Heydar Aliyev to power, and perhaps a key role in the formation of the current government and its transfer to Ilham Aliyev, his  dismissal from the post of head of the Presidential Administration differed from the dismissal of other officials.

“However, the post of president of ANAS seemed insufficient to Ramiz Mehdiyev, he could not give up his political ambitions. It is clear that this could not but arouse the anger of the country's leadership. It is possible, therefore, that the campaign launched against him in ANAS is connected precisely with this circumstance. I believe that soon Ramiz Mehdiyev will be dismissed from his post,” the politician suggested.

According to Hajily, the authorities do not want to dismiss Mehdiyev from the post of president of ANAS  at once, because people in such high positions have sufficient capabilities to do serious harm. “The authorities are afraid of this, and therefore they want to first discredit him and remove supporters from him. In addition, Ramiz Mehdiyev is known as a person associated with Russia. And Russia has enough funds to interfere in the politics of Azerbaijan. There are fears that in the event of a harsh removal of Ramiz Mehdiyev, he will be used by Russia as a lever against the authorities.”

Commenting on the scandalous story of the export of funds abroad by deputy Javanshir Feyziev, the politician suggested that he was close to the elite, and therefore the prosecutor's office was in no hurry to investigate how millions were taken out of Azerbaijan.

“In addition, the authorities were well aware of Feyziev's millions, but in authoritarian regimes, before a political decision is made, the persecution of people of such rank as Feyziev is impossible,” Hajily added.

Referring to the sensational story of deputy Igbal Mammadov, whose “Caspian Yildiz” company owed tax officials, Hajily said that such people seek to obtain deputy mandates not for the purpose of engaging in political activities, but solely to protect their business.—0—

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