"Azerbaijan has left behind economic difficulties",  Keiko Honda

Baku / 18.12.17 / Turan: Azerbaijan is a financially reliable partner and fulfills all the responsibilities assumed, President Ilham Aliyev said at a meeting with Keiko Honda, Executive Vice President and General Executive Directors of the Guarantee Agency of Multilateral Investment, a member of the World Bank Group. The President expressed his gratitude to the World Bank for consistent support to economic reforms in the country.

Ilham Aliyev noted that the agency supported very important investment projects implemented in the country by foreign investors, including the project of global significance "South Gas Corridor".

The head of state said that the project "South Gas Corridor" covers a large geography and is important for the region. At the same time, Ilham Aliyev assured the guest that the work on the TANAP project will also be realized according to the schedule.

In her turn K.Khonda informed that they closely follow the economic reforms in Azerbaijan and highly appreciate them. According to her, Azerbaijan has left behind economic difficulties. -71D-

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