Courses for Students from AXA MBASK

The insurance company AXA MBASK in the program AXA MBASK Academy, together with the Union of Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations (ATGTI) begins next theoretical and practical courses for students, entitled "Organization of the insurance business."

To participate in the program they’ve selected 25 students from leading universities in the country. The main goal of the program is the organization of cooperation with educational institutions, career guidance and support for students specializing in insurance and finance.

The students will be able to immerse in the workflow, learn how the insurance company works, as well as to practice the knowledge obtained in the course of training. Participants in the program during the course will become familiar with the specifics of the company, will carry out practical tasks, acquire knowledge in the field of technology sales of insurance products, underwriting, document insurance company, claims settlement, and get expert advice on risk management and record keeping. The lecturers will be managers and leading specialists of AXA MBASK.

Upon completion of the course the company will provide students with the appropriate certificates. In addition, students will be distinguished summer internship at the company, after which they will have a real opportunity to get a regular job and build a successful career in the company. At the time of study, all students will be insured against accidents.

Theoretical and practical courses for students entitled "Organization of the insurance business" will be held at the beginning of each quarter.

Recall that AXA MBASK in 2010 began the process of implementation of international standards AXA Group in the existing business processes of the company. So, in a short time all over the country were opened about 80 points of sale of insurance policies oriented to work with individuals and legal entities, as well as with financial institutions of all types of insurance.

European quality of service, as well as the timeliness and completeness of payments was the fact that the company in the short term has been awarded seven international and national awards "Insurance Company of the Year". --17D-

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