Facebook in Azerbaijan amid Preparations for Presidential Election in Lead with Wide Margin

Among the most popular social networking site Facebook in Azerbaijan has a strong lead in the beginning of the third decade of August.

The positions were somewhat lost, but against the background of the National Council of popularity rose again - to January 1 trusted leader of 68.94%, to May 1 - 66.41%, to July 15 - 68.4%, to August 20 - 77.24% .

Enough down this background is the level of trust in the network YouTube - with 16.96% May 1 to 12.35% on July 15 and to 9.3% this week. This social media while on the second line, but his position in contrast to the "eternal leader" stagger. A record for him in Azerbaijan was in October 2012 - 22.82% in popularity of videos with effects of the abduction of the MNS officers, rampant corruption and tangible political "auto-pilot" in the country.

At the "bronze" Twitter this ratio is as follows: a year ago - 2.15%, to May 1 - 11.96%, July 15 - 9%, 20 August - 7.38%. The fourth and fifth places are occupied by Odnoklassniki (Classmates) with non-regular audience (2.36% to 5.36% in mid-July) and VKontakte (In Contact) with 1.58% (for the month minus 0.7%) confidence.

The world's most high level (Month + 0.4%) and trust in the social network Facebook - 70.4%. In second place from July of last year is 9.3% of popularity at Pinterest, which allows users to add an online image and place them in a thematic collection, then share them with other users. The same product for a month by another 0.3% gained in popularity, and even by the end of the year will not yield, most likely, "silver" to Twitter, which moved three places up to 7.45% (+ 0.8% per month) popularity.

YouTube network in the world ranking dropped to 5th place with 3.77% (minus 0.6% per month) users. In the fourth place is a relative newcomer to the rankings StumbleUpon 4.89% against 7.61% a month ago. In Azerbaijan, StumbleUpon is not very popular due to the weak advertising. It is a commercial search service for web pages, combining the principles of P2P and social network with blogging on the principle of a single click. - 17D-


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