For Every 100 People 108 Mobile Phone Users

Azerbaijan is still a high level of mobile phones per capita. According to the Ministry of Communications and High-Tech, for every 100 people there are 108 mobile phone users in the country. In addition, each a hundred people on average have 17.1 fixed telephones.

As stated in the annual report of the structure, the total investment in the development of ICT telecommunications and mail accounted for 354 900 000 manats as of January 1 (annual growth of 3.7 times), of which 189 million manats fell on the public sector (an increase of almost 5 times).

Recall that in the GDP there is a 2% share of communication. In the past year across the country there were commissioned 124 new telecom exchanges and there were laid fiber optic cables with a total length of 575.5 km.  --17D-

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