Launched another Campaign on Bolkart

Due to the coming Day of Knowledge the Bank of Baku announces for owners Bolkart a festive campaign. From 6 to 15 September owners Bolkart, committed to purchase 201 manat and more in the shops Bolkart with the monthly payment due will be able to repay the debt in 3 months.

Thus, from the date of purchase deferral period is extended by three months. Cardholders can repay their debts without overpayment. The campaign is in effect only 10 days, from 6 to 15 September.

The list of stores and shopping centers Bolkart network with a monthly payment period includes the prestigious stationery shops, supermarkets, restaurants, pharmacies, beauty salons, etc. Now, as part of campaign ads , you can make purchases in stores , and the cost of goods purchased to pay for 3 months .

Today more than 140,000 citizens regularly use Bolkart. Cardholders make purchases periodically removed from the card in hand and enjoy other benefits of the card. Cardholders can make purchases in all the stores of the country abroad, and purchase products online. -15D -


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