Rumors about computers bracelet type increased attention to the news Apple

Forbes Magazine believes that the information about Apple filing a patent application on the computer type bracelet, worn on the arm like a wristwatch will enhance customers' attention to the news of the American giant.

The application 20130044215, issued by Registrar of patents and trademarks in the United States last Thursday, described wrist computer device codenamed iWatch flexible touch screen.

Such wireless wrist computer can communicate with other portable devices, such as display messages and incoming data from the iPhone or iPad.

As noted by Daily Mail, hours will be fastened on the wrist similar to the bracelets of steel bistable Slap-Wrap (literally "slap-twist" - bracelets easily fold into the ring, and then easily restore the shape of a flat strip).

In addition, to supply iWatch will use innovative technologies, including solar cells and devices that convert the kinetic energy of the owner.

As it turns out, Apple was filed in August 2011, but rumors of a new device leaked to the press only last week. - 17D-


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