SSC on Investing in Local Industry

The State Statistics Committee has published a report on investment in local industry from January to May. Overall, this segment received 2 billion 475.4 million manat (+ 16% as of 1 May last year), or 50.8% of all financial investments in country's economy.

The majority (85.65%) were investments in the extractive industries - 2 billion 120.1 million manat (+ 18.7%). In water supply, purification and recycling there was invested 161.7 million manat (minus 9.4%), in the processing industry - 152.1 million manat (an increase of 2.1 times), and in the production of electricity, gas and their distribution - 41.5 million manat (minus 57.7%).

In addition, in transport and warehousing there was invested 492 million manat (+ 46.7%), in information and communications - 129.2 million manat (an increase of 3.5 times), in housing construction - 357.3 million manat (an increase of 2.7%), etc.  --17D-

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