State Statistics Committee reports investment expenditures

State budget expenditures for capital investments by April 1 of this year amounted to 3 billion 125.9 million (7 % compared with the first quarter of last year) , according to the State Statistics Committee ( on macroeconomic indicators.

More than two thirds (70 % or 2 billion 189.5 million ) of all investments intended for the construction of production facilities , the remaining 936.4 million or 30% is directed to objects services. Traditionally, two-thirds (67.5 % or 2.11 billion manat) investment spending - government money. The remaining 1 billion 16.2 million manat or 32.5% of borrowed funds - foreign financial inflows, although experts believe it is part of local entrepreneurs, bred in the offshore zone.

According to the State Statistics Committee, the majority of funds (56.2 % or 1 billion 756.3 million ) is intended for non-oil sector (mainly for construction ), the remaining 43.8% or 369.6 million 1 billion - for oil and related industries. Directly in the construction and installation work invested 67.4 % of the 2 billion or 106.86 million manat.

Investment costs of public and private enterprises are almost evenly - first laid down on the shoulders of 49.5 % of all costs - 1 billion 547.3 million manat , the second - 50.5 % or 1 billion 578.6 million manat.

The portfolio investments recorded the largest decline in extra-budgetary funds (minus 43.9 % per year) and in the banking sector (minus 20.8%).

SSC traditionally waits for the speech of the President at a Cabinet meeting and only after that publishes reports on macroeconomic indicators. - 17D-

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