A new name of the novel by Fedor Dostoyevsky? Most probably. Since Dostoyevskiy is out, are other persons authorized to label current developments? That’s just the way it is for those confident in their prerogative
It is important to keep in mind that within the framework of a campaign launched on the initiative of Turkish President the national banks, large enterprises and even the Central Bank joined the campaign and succeeded in enrolling them in the first lines of the list of participants. In so doing, there is a chance of exhausting all possibilities. There’s no alternative to the process: tthe population is discontent with unveiled raft of measures while there is no money to maintain troops in Syria and Libya even prior to the coronavirys pandemic.
On the one hand, citizens need help in cash form; on the other hand, a failure to support the army on ulterior side of state border is out of the question. Particular emphasis needs to be placed on the fact that the authorities are fearful that opposition-led municipalities will turn the table in rendering direct and specific aid to the population.
How else to explain the fact that the Ministry of Internal Affairs instructed to block accounts earlier opened by municipalities of Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir for population’ material assistance?
It is worth pointing out that town administrations are working on rendering material aid to the population. There is no other choice for them: the administrations will have to report back to the electors at the first elections to follow.
As for mass media, it cannot go unnoticed that pressures on mass media and their representatives stepped up; however, they displayed restraint, without panic and histerics, far-minded.
The point to be emphasized is that the latest developments clearly demonstrate that the authorities are particularly illiberal to criticism. Thus, 40-years old journalist who hinted at the governmental campaign rendered to the population was immediately arrested.
It should be remembered that the Supreme Television and Radio Council imposed sanctions on the TV-Channel, not very rich but enjoying popularity among the opposition with ever growing EU-TV rating. The Channel was fined for astronomical sum and its brunching program closed for 5 days after its anchorman told female teachers in niqab about «the tragedy».
It has to be kept in mind that demands of lawyers to release the arrested journalists and writers famous for their articles and monographs and enjoying high ratings in society several days before the corobavirus spreading, were rejected on grounds of «suspected escape».
Added to this can be that at present a new law on amnesty is under elaboration; however, the list of articles to condemn those to be currently released is deficient in articles the journalists have been indicted.
What’s happening today: Is «manoeuvring space of freedom» stealthily realizing tasks what the democratic world is concerned about? Are citizens’ expectations related to the factor above? Or the state, in addition to urgent cash aid, will pay for bills eof lectricity, water and gas?
The history tells that the quarantine may be used in both directions. It is an error to think that Turkey wil deviate from the path of progress. However, it’d be wrong to ignore that some structures (procurator offices, courts, Supreme Radio and Television Council), availing of the quarantine as handy excuse will impose astroniomic sums, arrests, etc. to thus pressure journalists, writers, intellectuals and mass media.
Hopefully, these days are a certain chance for us «to come out of darkness into light», according to Nazym Hikmet. Otherwise, measures taken with/without SMS-permits are one hundred percent useless. It should not be supposed that the Turkish democracy will go out of the current crisis with heavy losses. It will suffice to mention that after a deputy from the main opposition party harshly criticized the Internal Minister in social mass media , the latter had to retreat.
It should be added that in all cases the most important addressee of which the corionavirus pasndemic COVİD-19 reminds the mankind, remain invariable: the state is committed to caring about its citizans...
Mayis Alizade
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