Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku / 08.07.20 / Turan: On Tuesday, another 250 citizens arrived from Dagestan to Azerbaijan, who were expecting to return to the camp in the village of Kullar.

 Azerbaijani citizens were taken by buses through the Samur checkpoint and placed in the quarantine point of the Ministry of Emergencies in the Gusar region of the country.

According to media reports, the quarantine point has created conditions for the simultaneous placement of 1,200 people in tents.

Those in quarantine are provided with food, hygiene products, and bed linen. There are fans in the tents.

According to the head of the Derbent region of Dagestan, Fuad Shikhiyev, after the departure of 250 people, still more than 500 Azerbaijani citizens remain in a campground near the village of Kullar. "Work on their return is ongoing, another group is expected to be sent in the near future," TASS quoted Shikhiev as saying.

Note that the sending of Azerbaijani citizens is carried out once a week on Tuesdays. —06D-


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