Mehdiyev recognizes the failure of public policy?

The head of the Presidential Administration Ramiz Mehdiyev made ​​a series of revelations, evidence of serious failures of the authorities. In particular, he recognized the serious personnel crisis and the low level of specialists in public institutions of the country.

He said this, speaking on October 25 anniversary of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the country. It is noteworthy that the Rector of the Academy Urkhan Alekberov reported great achievements in the field of staff training.

However Mehdiyev, speaking about the achievements in the economy and education, suddenly started talking about the shortage of qualified personnel.

"We should openly admit that today the Administration of the President, and the ministry, and the structure of local authorities are faced with a serious problem of personnel crisis. We all feel the need for trained personnel who are familiar with the intricacies of modern management, and should recognize that experiencing difficulties in finding staff, meet the high requirements. Personally, as the head of the Administration, I am not satisfied with the talent pool of the Presidential Administration," he said.

Next Mehdiyev said that many government officials are still on the "platform of Marxist-Leninist theory," and expressed concern about the influence of the Internet on young people. "No one examines these processes," he complained.

Mehdiyev also criticized the level of high school graduates, which remains low despite considerable efforts to improve the material and technical base of education.

"Illiteracy, which we beat 70 years ago, as if is coming back into our lives," he said.

"There are processes that push women and our society as a whole to ignorance, superstition and religiosity aggressive. Coming to Azerbaijan in the 1990s, foreign tourists noted with surprise: it is a Muslim country, but we can say, we have not met one woman in hijab. And today they, and you, and I can see how the number of such women is rising sharply. Also increasing day by day is the number of those who wish to come to schools in hijab, including high schools," said Mehdiyev.

However, the head of administration blames this on families, where the women wear the hijab.

In many regions, particularly in the southern region, it has become commonplace when underage girls move away from education and enter into an informal marriage. They become mothers at an early age when they are not ready for it either physically or morally. This question is out of focus and public health, and education authorities, and law enforcement.

Sometimes with great pain and anguish I ask myself the question: Is this not the nation of Sabir, Mirza Jalil, Jafar Jabbarli? Is this not the country that printed the magazine Molla Nasreddin? Are those phenomena which in his time Uzeyir Bey made an object of ridicule, again returning to our society?

Not holding any opinion polls, we can strongly say that today the average Azerbaijani young man dreams about how to have a nice house, a luxury car and enough money. He sees the meaning of life only in possessing good things. And to achieve all of this, he is willing to resort to numerous means, including violations of the law and moral norms. He does not want to work or try hardly in his sweat.

How can we prevent such an undermining of our spiritual values we encountered?

Someone may say that the postmodern period has generally changed our attitude towards work and diligence. In the knowledge-based economy, creativity replaces hard work. However, to become a creative person, first of all, you need to have a high level of education. How could we achieve this if the study environment in schools is so rapidly weakening?

To get rid of this trouble, there should be developed and implemented a necessary program of action.

In the Azerbaijani society there are rather complex processes associated with religion. On the one hand, these processes have incorporated two trends occurring in the world. It is known that at the present stage, we are faced with the phenomenon of fundamentalism. Proponents of this trend, regardless of whether they are members of any religion - Muslim, Christian or other, argue that it is necessary to return to the original, that is fundamental concept of their religion. On the other hand, people declaring themselves adherents of a particular religion, believe in God, but refuse to regularly visit temples, mosques, or religious structures.

"I want to give you one example. We are very concerned by the fact that some young people from Azerbaijan go to join the fight for an "Islamic state" and in this connection are sent to Syria. Clearly, you can entice someone big money to tear him from the homeland and family and travel to Syria. However, at least, it would be naive to link this process only with an economic factor. We cannot find the answer to the question “What's happening?” first of all, because we do not have full-fledged scientific information on processes taking place in society.

To explore the society and public life, of course, polls should be held in our society today. However, based on what techniques and methodologies should they be implemented? To what extent ethical, demographic and other criteria should be considered in this?

I would like the answers to all these questions to be sought and found with you. First of all, it is because these responses are associated with fatal issues that determine and define tomorrow's development of Azerbaijan," Mehdiyev said in conclusion. -02D-

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