Obama Calls on Aliyev to Resolve the Karabakh Conflict

U.S. President Barack Obama sent a letter to President Ilham Aliyev, which reads that he “completely trusts” the new co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group from the United States, James Warlick. The appointment of this diplomat is reflected in the letter as "firm intention of the United States to continue efforts for a peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict."

Obama opined that the experience and personal qualities of Warlick will give impetus to the process of settlement. Obama called on Aliyev to use direct dialogue with Armenia to find a way out of the current "no-win situation."

"It's time to show new initiatives to restore peace in the frameworks of compromises reached in the negotiations,” said the letter from the U.S. President. The U.S. embassy reported that James Warlick was received by President Aliyev, Foreign Minister Mammadyarov, and Defense Minister Abiyev.

During the meeting, the participants discussed issues of settlement and security in the region. On September 10, Warlick will leave Baku and proceed to Yerevan. -16D- 


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