On June 28, PFPA Chairman Ali Kerimli was held in the Police Department of the Binagadi district for one and a half hours, and then was released.

He was detained by the police while participating in the Solidarity Marathon organized by the Committee against Repression and Torture at the headquarters of the Musavat Party in order to pay fines for opposition activists sentenced by courts.

"Illegal actions aimed at violation of public law and order will continue to be stopped," the official position says.

The joint information of the Prosecutor General"s Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs states that Ali Kerimli, the chairman of the Popular Front Party, was invited to the Binagadi District Police Department in connection with a widespread call on social networks to hold an illegal rally in front of the Musavat party headquarters.

"He was informed that the attempt to hold rallies and organize meetings against the law of assemblies on the territory uncoordinated with the Executive Power of Baku city contradicts the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Freedom of Assembly.

An official warning was made to him that illegal actions aimed at disturbing public order would continue to be stopped in accordance with certain laws, and the organizers would be held accountable in accordance with the requirements of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office, after which he was released," the information said.

Ali Kerimli: Law Enforcement Authorities Confuse Charity Marathon with a Procession

AXCP sədri Əli Kərimli

PFPA Chairman Ali Kerimli said after his release that the law enforcement agencies misunderstood the matter, confusing the charity marathon with a procession.

"The deputy prosecutor of Baku, the prosecutor of the Binagadi district and the head of the Binagadi district police department warned that we wanted to hold a procession, wanting to disrupt the work of enterprises and departments and to disturb public order. And I explained that there were no illegal actions. We just held a charity marathon for illegally fined people. There is nothing illegal here. When we march, we declare it in advance. Therefore, I considered this warning illegal. The happening proves that the power in Azerbaijan is not ready for civilized competition. Police essence of the power once again came to the surface," said Kerimli.

Jamil Hasanli: This is a gross police intervention

Chairman of the National Council of Democratic Forces Jamil Hasanli told the Voice of America that the Solidarity Marathon was not a political action.

"It was a humane action to assist in the payment of fines to those who were fined as a result of falsified charges. 15 minutes after the start of the rally, the headquarters of the Musavat party was surrounded by police. During the action, an employee of the media invited Ali Kerimli to interview him. At this time, the police detained Ali Kerimli. It happened in the foyer at the entrance to the Musavat party building. Then pressure began to be exerted on media representatives. The footage was taken from them, and they themselves were forcibly pushed into police cars," he noted.

In his opinion, this is a gross police intervention.

"This is a result of the fact that the constitutional principles of Azerbaijan do not work. It is a clear proof that citizens cannot use their constitutional rights," Hasanli said.

Mehman Aliyev: The government has taken a tougher stance

The director of the Turan Information Agency, Mehman Aliyev, told the Voice of America the recent personnel changes indicate that the government, instead of solving the growing protests, discontent and activity in the society, has taken an even tougher position.

"The detention of the PFPA chairman, Ali Kerimli, is already the first example. I believe this will continue, because the government is acting from a position of tightening. I do not see calls associated with dialogue. The voiced statements are aggressive in nature and lead the society to confrontation," Aliyev said.

Ali Ahmedov: Conducting a marathon of support for those in respect of whom a court decision was issued is against the law

Əli Əhmədov

The First Deputy Chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party, Ali Ahmedov, believes the chairman of the opposition party, Ali Kerimli, wants to hold a charity marathon under the guise of providing material support to individuals subjected to various fines for their illegal actions.

"To provide support in this form to those who were sentenced by the court to various fines, to voice appeals, and to conduct a marathon are illegal actions.

The goal is to cause people to distrust the rule of law and state bodies, an attempt to disrupt public order and create turmoil. This cannot be allowed, and it will not be allowed," he wrote on his Facebook page.

Gultekin Hajibeyli: It is lawlessness not amenable to sound thinking

"Azerbaijan has taken a position opposite to the positive trends in the world. Look at what is happening in Ukraine, Georgia, or Turkey. In contrast to it, an absolutely opposite, ugly process is taking place in Azerbaijan," the former Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Parliamentary Delegation of Azerbaijan to PACE, Member of the National Council Gultekin Hajibeyli told the Voice of America, commenting on the detention of the Popular Front Party Chairman Ali Kerimli.

"The detention of the Chairman of the PFPA is the embodiment of the recent appointments of the Azerbaijani authorities. With their new appointments, the Azerbaijani authorities decided to intensify the repressive flywheel. The newly appointed persons began to test themselves. A groundless attack happens on the country's opposition leader, he is dragged from the event and taken to the police, and illegal actions are carried out against him. An attack on the headquarters of the Musavat party is carried out. We felt captives there. The police should ensure public order, so why should we be attacked? This is lawlessness, which is not amenable to sound thinking," Hajibeyli said.

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