Rasul Guliyev is once again preparing to return

The Committee to Protect Ex-Speaker Rasul Guliyev, who since 1996 has lived in political exile in the U.S., has been established. 

At today's press conference at the Media Centre, two co-chairs of the Committee - Hajibaba Azimov and Musa Yagub reported that the Committee will be of 36 members. Until the end of January 2013 the formation of the committee will be completed.

Mr. Azimov called protection of Rasul Guliyev "useful thing for the future of the people." The reason for his departure from the country, Asimov called the decision chaired Guliyev parliament's decision "to the unsatisfactory work of the government."

He called the forced departure Guliyev "deprivation of the right to reside in the country of the man who sought to make progress for the country."

The Committee intends to draw the plans to the European Court of Human Rights and the international organizations to address the issue of the return Guliyev. The Committee expects that Rasul Guliyev be able to participate in the upcoming 2013 presidential elections in Azerbaijan.

Former deputy of Milli Majlis Zamina Dunyamalieva stated that "the return of Guliyev is more for the nation than for himself." She also called Guliyev "the most viable candidate for president."

The leader of the "Open Society" Sulhaddin Akbar called unsubstantiated the press reports to initiate a new criminal case against Rasul Guliyev. According to him, it's about the same criminal case from 2005, according to which Guliyev was accused of a coup attempt.

 "This information was circulated in order to deter people from cooperation with the Human Rights Committee of Rasul Guliyev," said Akbar.

* Recall that Rasul Guliyev was the richest man in Azerbaijan in the mid 90s. He for many years served as director of the refinery, Deputy Prime Minister and the Speaker of Parliament. Guliyev was one of those who contributed to the return to power of Heydar Aliyev. However, since 1995, among them there were serious differences on domestic and foreign policy. This caused sharp attacks on Guliyev and his removal from the post of the Speaker. A day later he and his family left the country.

In emigration Guliyev sharply criticized Heydar Aliyev and his government. He has said several times on his return, but at the last moment refrained from doing so. On the eve of the parliamentary elections of 2005, he flew on a plane to Baku, but was put in Ukraine. A day later, he returned to the United States. Baku numerous supporters Guliyev took to the streets to meet him that, but the government actually imposed a state of emergency and blocked all the roads and the airport.

Some time later, Guliyev and his supporters were accused of trying to overthrow the government. At the same time, were arrested ministers of health, economic development and other high-ranking officials who were suspected of collaboration with Rasul Guliyev. -05S-


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