Azerbaijan Insurers Association introduced discounts for students - future actuaries

Economics students will receive a discount on rates on actuarial calculations.

According to the report of the Association of Insurance Companies of Azerbaijan (AICA), the first phase of training, organized with the support of the Ministry of Finance of Azerbaijan will take almost one and a half months (from January 28 to March 7, 2013). Students will pay 20 AZN, others - about 10 times more expensive.

Those wishing to participate will undergo courses of ethics activities, interest calculation, and interest yield. In addition, you get a certificate, must know the basics of savings funds, annuities and approximate annuities, mortgages, bonds, statistics, simple pension model.

Classes will be held in the 2 groups. The first shift will be busy from 9 am to 13 pm, the second shift - from 14 to 18 hours. The teachers will be professionals from the Association of Actuaries of Azerbaijan. - 17D-


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