The initiators who nominate Mehriban Aliyeva insist on their initiative

 The Party "Democratic World of Azerbaijan» (PDWA) is insisting on the initiative, on the nominating Mehriban Aliyeva, wife of current president, as a candidate for presidency, said the leaders of the party at today's press conference.

The PDWA has decided to nominate Aliyeva on June 15, but the information was made public on Youtube a week later. After that, some members of the party, led by Fatma Aliyeva stated about illegitimacy of the nomination of the first lady, as the initiators of this idea "had previously been expelled from the party." Representatives of the ruling party "Yeni Azerbaijan", in turn, said that the candidate of the power is Ilham Aliyev.

However, neither head of state, not Mehriban Aliyeva herself, no official state structures have expressed attitude to the initiative.

On Friday, a man Alisahib Huseynov, who calls himself a chairman of the PDWA, and Sevda Khurshudova, an executive secretary of the party, said their initiative to nominate Aliyeva remains in force. Khurshudova noted that the nomination of this candidate is not accidental.

According to her, since 2006 the party has entered "a phase of vigorous activity." "Since then, each new member of the party did not for Mehriban Aliyeva. This party is informally called the "party of Mehriban, » said Khurshudova.

She claimed that the PDWA unites 130,000 members, and two other parties support the candidacy of Mehriban Aliyeva, but she did not name them.

"Initiative groups to support the candidacy of Aliyeva are being created.  The "Alliance for Democracy" has begun efforts to support candidacy of Aliyeva among young people," she said.

Khurshudova also informed about incoming calls   from non-party supporting Aliyeva, and about active support of the first lady on social networks.

Khurshudova rejected reports on pressure on the PDWA by the authorities after the nomination of Aliyeva’s candidacy.

"However, some officials from the pro-government camp show inadequate response, » she said, without specifying what is expressed. At the same time, the International Press Center controlled by the authorities PDWA refused to provide a place for the press conference.

Functionary of  PDWA Elshad Aliyev also said that Fatma Aliyeva, calling herself the head of PDWA, was excluded from the party in March, and a complaint against her was filed to the prosecutor's office.—06D-


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