
- In an interview, Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to dispel fears about the restoration of the USSR and noted the joint efforts of the former Soviet republics, which would benefit everyone. What do you think Putin wanted to say?

- Vladimir Putin gave this interview in October last year. Apparently, they thought that the time had come for its broadcast. Some attribute this to the desire of Russia, especially Putin, to restore the USSR. I do not agree with this opinion. Because Putin is anti-communist and anti-Soviet. He always denies the history and political nature of the USSR. Although he was a member of the Communist Party, lieutenant colonel in the KGB and served the Soviet system. However, this is not so. He was one of those people who hated the Soviet system and wanted it to collapse. We know such people. Heydar Aliyev was also like that. Putin also hates Stalin, Lenin and the communist idea. Most of his entourage are billionaires, people who rob Russia, control the most profitable areas and fill their pockets. Putin, as their representative, sits at the very top and defends the socio-political interests of these people. Such a person would not want to restore the Soviet Socialist Union.

“So what does Putin mean by voicing these thoughts?” Does this not prove once again that Russia does not want to abandon its past and imperialist thinking?

- The world is undergoing a process of division, that is, when each major power is trying to ensure its geopolitical dominance over surrounding states. He wants Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Central Asian republics to remain in the sphere of influence of Russia. (The Baltic States are already a member of the European Union.) This does not mean that they are trying to deprive these countries of independence. No, he wants them to be independent, but dependent. Theoretically, the participation of a large number of people in the integration process on a vast territory can bring them great benefit.

We see this in the example of the European Union. Many countries are integrated into the European Union and benefit from it - in terms of capital, people, technology, cross-border travel. However, is Russia such a country from which the countries gathered around it can benefit? Truth. There is some benefit. For example, more than one million Azerbaijanis live and work in Russia and even support their families in Azerbaijan.

Russia can be considered a market for Azerbaijani agricultural products, but only because Azerbaijan has nothing else to want to sell. Azerbaijan is a producer of raw materials and sells hydrocarbons. Russia too. There are no new technologies in Russia except modern weapons. Russia is a country that at any time can prohibit the entry of another country’s products to its market. That is, it is not a reliable partner. In addition, when the situation in Russia worsens, the first blow falls on migrants, including Azerbaijanis. In Russia, the rights of workers, Russian or non-Russian, are not protected. Laws work only for the rich. Therefore, there are no guarantees for migrants, including Azerbaijanis.

With regard to security, the greatest threat to Azerbaijan is Armenia, which Russia strongly supports. In a word, Russia does not meet the interests of Azerbaijan neither in the field of economy, nor in the field of security. In terms of humanity, Russia is not an example of the development of society. In a word, why do we need this? Of course, we have a 200-year history shared with Russia. Part of our population is Russian speaking, close to Russian culture. However, this culture is already gradually disappearing, although our governments are trying to preserve this culture. Because it can bring political benefits to our ruling class. The ruling class is doing this in order to gain the confidence of Russia. However, this is not important for people.

- The interview distribution time is interesting. The interview was done last October. However, for some reason, it is broadcasting these days - when a pandemic, when oil prices fall, some experts say that the world is entering a new order. What do you think about this? Why is this interview being broadcast right now?

- At the time this when Putin gave this interview was taken, Putin attended an event. He gathered the heads of state of the CIS and gave them a lecture on history. It was broadcast on all TV channels. The theme of the event was the culprits of World War II. In the West, there is a tendency to link the Second World War with the Soviet Union. This has a utilitarian, political goal. Because Russia is the successor of the USSR, one of the five permanent members of the UN with the right of veto. These countries received the veto as countries that defeated fascism.

The West is trying to take away the veto from Russia. Russian political authorities are well aware of this goal. To prevent this, Russia held an event with CIS leaders. This was to be continued. Then the pandemic began, and everything was forgotten. Now Putin has nothing to say to the Russian people. Because the pandemic period shows that administration in Russia is very weak. The current strategic and economic policies are incorrect. Russia is a country with a colonial economy. In Soviet times, it was the second most economically developed country in the world. Now it has become a poor state. In addition, sanctions are expected from the West. The ruling class of Russia is anti-people. When such a state was confronted with a natural disaster - a pandemic - the executive system created by Putin was ineffective. With the exception of several large cities, poverty in other Russian cities is very high.

Of the 70 million workers, 25 million are unemployed. What should Putin say in such a situation? However, in this situation, Putin claims that they have high potential, there are states and peoples around them with which good relations can be established, that Russia can become a pole of geopolitical attraction. The peoples are no longer afraid of the USSR and its restoration, because they know that this is impossible. The USSR is already dead. Restoring the former empire anew is not possible. The era of the empire has passed.

Now there are other types of exploitation. There is a new colonial policy, methods of economic and military hegemony. These are other things. However, the restoration of the empire in the classical way is impossible. Including the restoration of the USSR. At the same time, Russia's chances of becoming the core of new integration in the post-Soviet space, such as the European Union, are close to zero. Because the state system and ideology of Russia are not attractive to the peoples surrounding it. Everyone knows that in this state a thieves, oppressive and ineffective structure. Everyone wants Europe because it has human rights, equality, social security, and the rule of law, an independent judiciary, and the future. Russia does not have all of this, so it cannot be the core of the geopolitical community.

- Many post-Soviet countries are in conflict. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Russia-Ukraine, Russia-Georgia, etc. That is, in the current situation, the implementation of this idea seems impossible. In any case, Putin understands this. However, he voiced it again. Why? What is the purpose? What does he want to prove?

- Russia is the cause of all conflicts in these post-Soviet countries. As I said, the Kremlin wants to reassure its people, tells fairy tales, creating the appearance that Russia has great potential. This is not the first time that the Russian people shout “cheers” in response to such focused tales, followed by a completely different policy.

- How should other countries, including Azerbaijan, react to this? We have very good relations with Russia. Under the guise of a balanced policy, Azerbaijan is closer to Russia than to the West. However, such views, along with the former post-Soviet countries, threaten the independence of Azerbaijan. Should Azerbaijan keep silent or answer?

  - The political leadership of Azerbaijan is quite pragmatic. They understand very well that this is empty talk. It is important for them to maintain good relations with Russia, since this is one of the conditions for them to remain in power. Everyone who was in power in Azerbaijan, regardless of who they are, came to power with the blessing of Russia. They remain in power because, if not completely, they support the interests of Russia. For example, Russia wants the Karabakh conflict to remain unresolved. Because he can tow the South Caucasus. This desire is also fulfilled by the government of Azerbaijan.

Some people in Azerbaijan take Putin’s words seriously, saying that Putin wants to restore the USSR. No. Putin, perhaps, is the enemy of the USSR No. 1 all over the world. Because he knows that, the restoration of a socialist empire can take his and his friends’ wealth.

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