Faiq Əmirli

Faiq Əmirli

Baku / 10.11.17 / Turan: Faig Amirli, the director for distribution of the newspaper Azadlig, who was released on parole, was summoned to the Sabail court on November 8, where he was taken a commitment, according to which he must register twice a month, if he is going to leave his place of residence.

Amirli said that in the department for execution of court decisions he was presented the decision of July 24 on the payment of Azadlig"s tax debt in the amount of 39,021 manat. The implementation of this decision took effect on November 6. Ten days are allocated for the payment of the debt. In the event of non-enforcement of the court's decision, Amirli's property will be seized and subsequently put up for sale. In this case, Amirli will have to pay the execution expenses and 7% by compulsory payment for the execution.

Recall that Amirov was detained on August 20, 2016 on charges of inciting inter-religious and inter-ethnic enmity. On April 17, 2017, new charges were brought against him for tax evasion and abuse. However, as a result of the preliminary investigation, articles 168.1 and 308 were dropped.

On July 24, Amirli was sentenced by the Sabail District Court to 3 years and 3 months of imprisonment and a fine of 39,000 manat. Amirov is recognized as a political prisoner by human rights activists. The Reporters Without Borders condemned the arrest of Amirov and called for removing the "ridiculous accusations" from him. -0--

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