Azad Hasanov is on a hunger strike for the third day in the detention facility - lawyer

Baku / 07.25.19 / Turan: Azad Hasanov, an activist of the "Musavat|" party under arrest, has been on a hunger strike for three days in Baku detention center-1, said his lawyer Osman Kyazimov who visited him on July 25.

Hasanov protests against artificial delay the trial, which lasts more than six months.

For a long time, the Baku Serious Crimes Court sent a request to the Central Police Department to clarify the credibility of the testimony of officers of this department who had detained Hasanov.

On July 22, at the trial, Judge Irada Hasanzade stated that the answer was not received.

According to the lawyer, on July 25 Hasanov was sluggish and complained of dizziness.

However, the head of the public relations department of the Prison Service, Mehman Sadigov, denied in an interview with Turan information about the hunger strike Hasanov.

"At present, none of the prisoners are on a hunger strike," Sadigov said.

** Hasanov has been in political emigration in Lithuania since 2014. On October 11, 2018, he returned to Baku due to a serious illness of his father, and was detained on the same day. He is charged under the Article 234.4.3 (drug trafficking on a large scale) of the Criminal Code. Human rights activists recognized him as a political prisoner. -21B06-

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