Change of leadership in "Ireli"

 The leadership of the pro-government  youth organization "Ireli" has  been changed.  At the  report and election meeting of this public organization held on  27 June, Mirhasan Seyidov was elected  its new chairman, instead of Rauf Mardiyev.  Prior to this Seyidov was deputy chair of another youth organization.

At the election meeting  was absent founder of this structure, MP Jeyhun Osmanli, who  had been criticized in the pro-government press asa member of the "Nur."

Previously "Ireli" was led by  Elnur Aslanov,- the former head of the presidential administration’s department. After he was declared  the main  Nur Movement  (supporter of Turkish religious leaders Fatullah Gulen), he was  dismissed, and a new leader  of  "Ireli"  was appointed Ali Hasanov.

In his speech at the meeting  Hasanov  hinted there are still Nur  reprsentatives in  this organization, urging them to be careful.

"Today there are  some networks, which  attract  young people, and  use  them against the president of the state. We must get in touch with them and encourage them to turn from the wrong path," taught  the activists of "Ireli", Ali Hasanov.

A few months ago, newspapers  controlled by Ali Hasanov began to publish materials about Nur religious network in Azerbaijan. Gradually,  the names of "negative" activities also appeared  in the press. As a result, a group of young and promising politicians close to Ilham Aliyev were dismissed. At the same time, the scope of their activities (press, propaganda, with with  youth) will be controlled by  Ali Hasanov.-03D-

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