Emin Milli: Khadija Ismayilova Could Not Dismiss Mustafayev from Meydan TV

The Executive Director of the on-line Meydan TV, Emin Milli denied approval of the Attorney General that the journalist Khadija Ismayilova influenced the dismissal of Tural Mustafayev from this TV.

Recall that Ismayilova was arrested on the basis of complaints by Mustafayev that she allegedly drove him to a suicide attempt. According to the investigators, Ismayilova, using her influence, sought employment and then dismissal of Mustafayev on Meydan TV.

According to Milli, Mustafayev worked as a reporter at Meydan TV in January-March 2014. Then he showed irresponsible attitude to his duties, badly performed his tasks and repeatedly violated work ethic. Because of this and also due to his inadequate steps from a psychological point of view, working with Mustafayev was discontinued.

According to Milli, he was not aware of any relationship of Mustafayev with Ismayilova.

Ismailova had no authority at Meydan.TV and could not have any possible impact on the human resources policy. --03D06-

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