Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the rapid spread of the pandemic, noting that over the past 5 days, 400 thousand people have been infected in the world. The author insists on observing all the established norms, since in recent weeks the number of people infected with coronavirus has sharply increased in Azerbaijan as well.

The website Redaktor.az discusses with the MP Elshad Mirbashiroglu the violation of the ceasefire by Armenia. According to the MP, Armenia, doing this every time, as if declares that the conflict cannot be settled peacefully. The last time an agreement on a ceasefire was reached in Washington DC, but also failed. This is proof that it is impossible to speak the language of peace with the occupation regime, the deputy said.

As for the Washington DC meeting, it was purely formal and was organized with the aim of getting the votes of Armenians in the elections, the MP said.

The website Bizimyol.info discusses the situation in the combat zone with military expert Tarlan Eyvazov. The Russian military base located in Gyumri periodically provides Armenians with military equipment. The Russian base in Armenia with a contingent of 5,000 people is unable to eliminate the damage inflicted on the Armenians as it cannot help the Armenians to get out of the encirclement. But even if this military base goes against Azerbaijan, it is still impossible to change the situation in favor of Armenia, the expert says.

The website Modern.az writes about the restoration work in the territories liberated from the occupation and about the creation of infrastructure.

In the areas under occupation, the length of highways was 266 km. 110 km of the Hajigabul-Bahramtepe-Minjivan trunk road, the length of which is 286 km, has already been released.

In addition, Azerigaz informs about the preparation of a project for gasification of the liberated territories.

The website Azpolitika.info.az writes about the deployment of a mechanical brigade of the Guardian Corps of the Iranian Islamic Republic at the border points in Julfa and Khudaferin on the Iranian-Azerbaijani border. This is done in order to protect the residents of the Khudaferin region and the whole territory of Iran.


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