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Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/10.01.23/Turan: The National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF) issued a statement demanding the release of opposition politician Tofig Yagublu, who was detained on December 23 at a peaceful rally in defense of activist Bakhtiyar Hajiyev and subjected to administrative arrest for 30 days.

On January 5, Yagublu went on a hunger strike to protest the inhuman conditions of detention at the Binagadi detention center for people arrested under administrative law. NCDF indicates the inhuman conditions of detention in the said detention facility.

Thus, the arrested are  mot allowed to meet with relatives and receive food brought from home. In some cases, the confidentiality of meetings between detainees and lawyers is violated. Prisoners are provided with poor quality food because funds allocated from the state budget for this purpose are embezzled, the NCDF statement further states.

The authors of the document indicate that after the arrest, Yagublu was deprived of the opportunity for normal nutrition and treatment.

In this regard, the NCDF notes that Yagublu has not actually taken food not since January 5, when he went on a hunger strike, but   since December 23, when he was placed under arrest, and this may cause irreversible damage to his health.

The NCDF protests against the illegal and unjustified administrative arrest of Yagublu and demands his release. The statement also requires the authorities to “stop the inhuman and degrading treatment of convicted and administratively arrested.

The constitutional duty of the state is to provide convicts and detainees with normal nutrition, transfer those in need of medical care to a medical institution and take them under the supervision of doctors, the NCDF statement emphasizes.

* Tofig Yagublu, a member of the coordination center of the National Council of Democratic Forces and the Musavat Party, was detained on December 23 at a protest rally in central Baku demanding the release of public activist Bakhtiyar Hajiyev.

On the same day, the Sabail court arrested him for 30 days on charges of petty hooliganism and insubordination to the police. On January 5, the Baku Court of Appeal upheld this decision. In protest, Yagublu went on a hunger strike.—06B-

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