

Baku / 05/17/19 / Turan: In recent days, pressure on relatives of political emigrants living in Europe has increased in Azerbaijan. This is stated in the statement of the political electorate organization Choose Democratic Azerbaijan (DAS - Demokratik Azərbaycanı Seç).

According to the same source, relatives of political émigrés are threatened, taken to the police, insulted, dismissed from work, and forced to renounce their relatives and members of their families.

"Recently, all members of the video blogger Gabil Mammadov"s family were taken to the Tovuz district police department. Among them were his 85-year-old father Amrah Mammadov, his 83-year-old mother Dunya Jafarova, his brother Tahir (veteran of the Karabakh war) and his son, a soldier Mammad Mammadov - a total of 12 people, including three soldiers. Moreover, the soldiers were taken directly from the military units," the statement said.

By night the parents were released, and the rest (including the three wives of the brothers) were told to return to the police the next day. According to Gabil Mammadov, all of them were forced to write a statement of renunciation of him.

The organization"s statement also says that the nephew of another political émigré, Mubariz Karimov, was threatened with dismissal from work, as was the mother of Sabuhi Ismayilov, also a member of the organization Choose Democratic Azerbaijan.

The situation is similar to that of political emigrant Ali Mammadov, whose relatives were summoned to the Yevlakh police.

Te father of Mejid Mehdili received a call from the 13th branch of the Sabunchu police station and made the last warning for the activities of his son, who took part in the rally in Berlin on May 10.

Radio Azadlig reported that pressure was put on the relatives of 47 members of the Choose Democratic Azerbaijan organization. -0-

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