Prosecutor Urged to Sentence Chief of AMAY to 14 Years in Prison

The prosecutor spoke in the Serious Crimes Court in the trial of the chief of the shopping center AMAY and a group of his colleagues on Tuesday. He urged to condemn the AMAY chief Abdulla Abdullayev to 14 years of imprisonment.

For the other defendants the prosecutor asked: 9 years imprisonment for Nadezhda Ivanova, 10 years for  Heydar Rzayev, Mehman Mammadkhanli, Elshan Novruzov and Vidadi Gurbanov. All of them are accused of misappropriation and abuse (Article 179.3.2 and 308.2) of the Criminal Code.

Before the prosecutor spoke, Abdullayev asked for the floor and accused the investigation, saying that evidence against him had not been presented to the court. "For all the time of the trial there was not any evidence, which means that it is not a court, but terror and repression," he said.

* Abdullayev is accused of the fact that being the head of Birlikbank in 2006-2008, he transferred funds from the National Fund for Entrepreneurship to shell accounts in Birlikbank. These were funds in the amount of 3 million 397 thousand manats envisaged for the development of agriculture. However, investigators believe that the money had been spent on the construction of the shopping center AMAY owned by Abdullayev.

The speeches by the lawyers are scheduled for August 25. -16D-

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