Residents of Zagatala region block the road

Today  a group of residents of Lahych village  blocked the road   Balakian-Baku.

Fifty protesters expressed their dissatisfaction with the actions of the Ministry for Emergency Situations (MES)   in the aftermath of two earthquakes in 2012 - in May and October.

More than 200 houses were damaged,  and for today only 10-12 were restored, Turan was told by a villager.

According to the same source, the people are  resent because the  funds allocated  for reconstruction of houses are misused and plundered.

After arriving  of police and the executive power representatives, the people dispersed. After that,  the commission of the MES will go to the village to consider complaints.

Total number of damaged houses in Zagata-Balakan zone exceeded 1500. Hundreds  millions manat  were allocated to restore them, but most of the houses have not yet been restored. Monitoring by the  headquarters of  activists of  "Kura" civil society  revealed evidence of major thefts of allocated funds and violations of human rights.

So far, hundreds of families have to live in temporary facilities or with their  relatives. -16D06-






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