Income from compulsory social insurance amounted to a third of SSPF income

About a third of revenues of the State Social Protection Fund (SSPF) in January fell on income from social insurance. Of the 74.6 million manat listed for this purpose, the share of state budget organizations was 18 million manat and private enterprises - 56.6 million manat. Overall, January's income of SSPF was 212 mln.

This created a budget surplus fund of AZN 14.8 million or 7% to the income of the Fund for the reported month. Transfers from the state budget amounted to 137.2 million manat, and other income - AZN 0.3 mln.

The Fund's expenses for January 2012 amounted to 197.2 million manat. For payments to the population there was transferred 195.2 million manat, including payments for pensions - 192.4 million manat, benefits - 2.8 million manat, and other expenses - AZN 2 million.

Recall, the SSPF income and expenses for the year are projected at 2 billion 632 million 695 thousand manats. - 17D-


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