

The paradox of time: time not only destroys, but also creates. Time is ruthless and inevitable, but in time there is always something that is not subject to the inevitability of change.

Thanks to this paradox, history is possible, culture is possible, thanks to this paradox, a person is possible, and the meaning of a person's life is possible.

All of us are born, we grow up, we grow old, and we die. We all are looking for meaning. As a rule, we do not find, as a rule, we remember childhood as a "lost paradise". We recall the time when we were simple-hearted and did not hesitate to be simple-minded when we knew how to rejoice and laugh without reason, and were not ashamed of our causeless joy and unreasonable laughter.

Фото из открытых источников The more we grow up, the more we retire from childhood, the more we are afraid to look simple-minded, so that we do not find ourselves fools (in modern slang - losers), we fear unreasonable joy and laughter, that they do not think that we have something wrong with head. But, if there is enough wisdom that should accompany the growing up, we begin to understand, our "childhood" is our eternal reproach, such could have been, such became. After all, the greatest betrayal is the betrayal of oneself.

Our "childhood" is not only that which was yesterday, that it was irrevocable, but also that it must come back again and again, so that we again learned not to be afraid of our simple-mindedness, our unreasonable joy and laughter. So that we do not fear ourselves before the last feature, which none of us can avoid.

After such a protracted entry, I can say that NOVRUZ is our eternal childhood, this is our eternal growing up, without the fear of looking simple-minded. NOVRUZ is our always. I do not know what else we can put in a row with Novruz. Maybe our folk songs. Or a rug. Or "Arshin Mal Alan" and "Mashadi Ibad". Not so much, but this series, if not self-delusional, is never long. But in this series must necessarily be NOVRUZ, maybe the first in this series.

The question may arise, who do we mean when we say "our"? Who are "we" in space and time, where are our historical boundaries and geographical coordinates?

Immediately answer, I do not know. I'm not even sure that someone (forgive those who are self-delusional) can say something more or less intelligible. But I am sure (do not ask where this confidence comes from), "we" are, because we (outside of us and inside us) have Novruz.

Фото из открытых источников Novruz is our eternal childhood, naive and joyful at the same time, Novruz is our wisdom, if by wisdom we mean not profound reasoning and not instructive maxims, but the very framework of life that helps not to spill itself into a ruthless and inevitable time . Novruz is our holiday, which is always with us.

Why the mystery? Is it not possible to investigate how and when Novruz emerged, what are the rituals accompanying it, how did they change (if changed) in time?

I'll let myself say a few words, but I'm sure they will never exhaust the Novruz riddle. Neither the researchers will exhaust, they are profound or superficial, nor the power that can consider itself all-powerful. We can only state that one power tried to ban Novruz, it banned it, but Novruz hid inside of us, went out when the time came. Other authorities, prohibited it, tried (tries) to use Novruz for their populist purposes, we do not resist, it goes, it does not work out in power, what's the difference, we are sure that the immune system of Novruz will be able to preserve itself in its primordial state. The conjuncture time over Novruz is not domineering

What can we say about the nature of Novruz? Are there analogs of Novruz in other cultures? Why do we call these traditional rituals a holiday?

It can be assumed that the calendar holidays were the first holidays for almost all peoples. Similarly, we can assume that among these calendar holidays, the main was the Spring Festival.

Spring is not the usual time of the year, we can say metaphorically that at this time, nature is dying and again reborn, at this time a person dies and is reborn. Hence the myths known to practically all peoples about the dying and regenerating God, which man must worship.

But the time before the spring is not only joyful, but also alarming. Is not it scary, suddenly nature does not have the strength, and it will not be reborn. Is not it scary, suddenly a person does not have enough strength, and he will not be able to reborn, because it is on the eve of spring that forces leave a person, he literally dies, and we have to make efforts to revive again

... I remember well how once, on the eve of spring, after a serious illness, I felt that my strength was being abandoned. And, worst of all, I felt that my spiritual strength was leaving me. I remember it was enough for the mind not to whine, not complain to relatives. Gathering the rest of his strength, I approached the trees on which the buds blossomed. I inhaled their fragrance. I looked at the frolicking dogs. And, mentally, I waited for Nowruz...

Most likely, in deep archaism, the understanding has come that on the eve of spring it is necessary, with the help of magic formulas, to help nature reborn again. It is necessary, with the help of magic formulas, to build inside of itself some invisible spring, in order not to let death win. Then came the understanding (and name) - a holiday, when everything around, and nature, and man, receive a new impulse to life.

With all the difference between the calendar holidays of spring in different nations, their rituals have much in common.

Get rid of old things, from old junk, to make it easier to breathe, to free up more space.

Put on a new dress to cheer yourself up, give life-giving forces to germinate in yourself.

Light candles and while they burn, relax, dream even that can never come true.

Фото из открытых источников To light fires that they burned as high as possible, to try to jump through them, to throw all their misfortunes, all their unfulfilled hopes into a cleansing fire,

To create in itself an invisible spring, so that the new time, which begins with spring, was not burdened by past failures and past mistakes.

To adjust ourselves to a wave of enthusiasm, as the best guarantee that much is happening in this world, not everything, we can be mistaken, we can despair, but if there is an unreasonable joy in this world and unreasonable laughter, if there is excitement in this world, much in this world comes true.

Since the first calendar holidays of spring much has changed. Part of humanity uses the Nativity of Christ the main magic formula, when it is necessary to have an invisible spring in themselves and in the world around. Another part of mankind celebrates the day of renovation according to the lunar calendar. There are other options for the holiday update.

We live in a global world, and there is nothing terrible that we celebrate the New Year according to a new calendar, that we decorate a Christmas tree, that we celebrate Valentine's Day, there is nothing terrible that we celebrate holidays that have been invented not by us.

The main thing is that we have NOVRUZ, which allows us to look boldly into the future. To be revived again and again ...

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