Nagorno-Karabakh on the eve of a social explosion

As can be seen from the video, cars drive through the streets of the capital of the occupied region, from which, through loudspeakers, members of the “Artsakh Revolutionary Party” call on residents to mass disobedience. "Revolutionaries" are not allowed to vote.

Aghajanyan quotes the Karabakh general Samvel Babayan, who was not allowed to participate in the "presidential election" because of his previous criminal record on charges of attempting to assassinate the "president of Karabakh." Babayan said, “I will not be silent anymore. Over 80% of the adult population of Artsakh has not crawled out of the credit hole for years. Where did the numerous promises of the NKR authorities about the inevitable economic welfare of the Artsakh people go? Do you know that today over 80% of the adult population of Artsakh has not crawled out of the credit hole for years? Cope only with the percentage, they are forced to periodically refinance, that is, re-lend their debt to the bank, each time increasing the size of the loan. Almost every second family in Karabakh is forced to lay family decorations to buy basic household appliances, and cars are generally purchased only on the security of apartments and houses. I often communicate with residents of the districts and villages of NK and I am horrified by the negligent attitude of the authorities to the problems of the people who survive without roads, water and basic living conditions. Officials, have the courage to face the truth and admit that people are miserable, but you do not care.”

“After I distributed the video of the Armenian service of Radio Liberty about the difficult socio-economic situation in Karabakh, the Armenian edition of Freedom  “suddenly” blocked this story - I assume that at the request of Bako Sahakyan. In this story, the Yerevan correspondent of the radio station Sargis Harutyunyan conducted a survey of Karabakh residents and 99% of people answered that they were already buying food products that the criminal regime reigned here, that it was high time to change the situation in NK. After that, the plot “suddenly” turned out to be blocked. As if the authorities did not hide the fact of the mass poverty of the Karabakh population, the information still crawls out from behind the barriers, Wagram explained.

The “Revolutionary Party of Artsakh” demands the resignation of President Bako Sahakyan and his inner circle. Krikunov was arrested, but immediately released. New participants joined them; they stood in front of the police building and, through a shout, began to insult the police authorities, taking advantage of their impunity. “Apparently, they decided to disrupt the elections and want to create a new leader and a new president in a revolutionary way, who suddenly, seizing the moment, will seize power.

Trials over Kocharyan and Sargsyan (former presidents of Armenia, originally from Karabakh - Ed.) Are held in Yerevan. Serge, most likely, will not be imprisoned; they will take a fine, insignificant by their standards, and release them. He was able in time to betray all of his in exchange for his freedom. Money and power blinded them. Instead of remaining heroes in history as they were from the very beginning, they will remain in history as robbers. Now they have made a bet on Artsakh, they want to take revenge from us, they promise the people mountains of gold, free medicine, free education, caring for new families and much more,” writes Dawid (“Caucasian Knot”) Karabakh blogger.

Expert on problems of military and national security Rachya Arzumanyan (Armenia) shares on Facebook his impressions of conversations with the Karabakh Armenians:

“The words of one of the interlocutors re noteworthy,” he writes and quotes these words, “times have changed, and power must change. There was the Soviet Union, what life was like then, but everything ended and I had to live anew and in a new way. Now everything has changed, and will be different. So you need to choose new people and a new government. The old ones will bury us. ”

Arzumanyan also liked the words of the owner of the institution where they were sitting. “We have to pay taxes, support the army, the elderly and children. Where will the money come from in the budget, if you do not pay? ”

We are a healthy people, right. You just need to choose and build a new government in Artsakh, then gradually to complete the Miatsum and move on. Everything will work out for us - calls on Yerevan G. Armuzamyan.

He contradicts the Karabakh blogger Dawid, who published a real picture of what is happening in Nagorno Karabakh and received “scolding” from Armenian readers for sincerity.

“Interestingly, President Bako Sahakyan is aware that it is winter and no matter how warm it is, each family spends an additional month on heating for at least about a hundred dollars. He knows how many homes have gas turned off due to non-payment of debt. What does he think, as the incumbent president on this issue or does it not concern him? They talk about building in the army. What kind of construction, when 10 bags of sand are mixed on a bag of cement? It is not difficult to check, but who cares, share money and steal calmly, and whoever you steal from the people, the army, nobody cares. If this were not so, now these thieves would be in Shusha prison, but I have never heard of such a thing. Now Nikol Pashinyan, who has declared his non-interference in Artsakh’s internal affairs, is becoming an involuntary accomplice of these “thieves from the law”. Because tomorrow if one of them becomes president again and says, “Erase, we will start again”, he will again have to sit together with them at the same table, knowing in exact numbers how many millions of dollars they stole from Artsakh’s budget. But the matter is not only Nicola Pashinyan, the matter is in us, we will also become accomplices of theft,” the blogger in Khankendi wrote. published an article on the “presidential and parliamentary elections” in Nagorno-Karabakh scheduled for March 31, 2020 on 02/26/20. The 14 candidates intend to become presidents there, who are now fighting a fierce struggle, grouping and teaming up against rivals, jumping from one block to another - In the occupied region there is a real pre-election process. The current “president” does not take part in the elections.

The discontented population, who does not believe in any local politician, is watching what is happening. Vahram Aghajanyan believes that by the end of next month there will be a social explosion in Karabakh that will bury the current government and its opponents.

Vahram Agadjanyan, a Karabakh journalist, was convicted in 2000 and served a one-year sentence in Shusha prison for an article on corruption in the leadership of the occupation regime. He was formally accused of insulting the honor and dignity of local leaders. Aghajanyan claims that in 2016 the material assets of the Third Power Plus newspaper founded by him were stolen and appropriated by an officer of the Russian FSB Pozdnyshev with the connivance of the leadership of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

“Since then, the apartment of the Chief Editor Aghajanyan has been taken under the control of the NKR special services and police. Every step is monitored, phone calls and correspondence of Vahram Aghajanyan. All editors email addresses are blocked except one associated with international organizations. Journalists from state-run media began to call the chief editor of "TSP" and threatened with publications of a compromising nature in Yerevan and other media. " - Armenian media reported in 2016.

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