It should be noted that the initiative of the Chinese leadership "One Belt - One Road" is meant to unite projects "Economic belt of the Silk Road" and "Marine Silk Road in the 21 century" put forward in September 2013. Suffice it to say that bilateral memorandums on cooperation have already been signed with states located on NSR routes. However, there"s so much more to it than that. The first forum was held in Bejing in May 2017 to have revealed acute contradictions between China and United Europe.

This time it was Minister of Economy and Energy of Germany P. Altmaier voiced West"s common view being represented to the forum with "second string" as saying that the project should be implemented in line with international standards in social sphere, ecology, human rights protection and tender invitation.

In the meanwhile, there is a split in the EU ranks: Italy backed the "NSR" project at official level. Note that the United States proved to be particularly critical to the decision of Italy (first out of G7 member countries). It is natural that the USA and the EU are concerned about China"s impetuous upswing with the purpose to lead world economic and political expanse. However, China declines from transforming its centralized, state-governed economy - the Chinese model of state capitalism combining effective principles of socialism. For this reason western experts believe that the two systems, not economic blocs, are fighting for leadership: western liberal economy and Chinese communist state capitalism.

It should be remembered that Bejing not merely avails of rules and standards of the free market for receiving odds before their global competitors but strongly advancing the Chinese model across the world. US actions and the stance of EU main members (Germany and France) in respect of China are illustrative that the question is not about the trade war but about a new struggle for world leadership. In so doing, the West is eager to retard China"s transformation into a leading hyper-power through fencing it off to their technologies.

One cannot forget that Bejing is faulted for goal-oriented financing EU member-countries with problem economies (Bulgaria, Hungary, and Croatia) and heavy debts (Greece, Italy, Portugal). Analysts appraise these actions as China"s aspiration to split the EU. Criticisms come from neoliberalism camp as well. Thus, addressing the last World economic forum in Davos Soros called Xi Jinping as the "most dangerous opponent of open societies". Straw that broke the camel"s back of the West was the cancellation of alternation of power mechanism in Bejing and making amendments in the Constitution of China in March 2018 enabling Xi Jinping to rule for the life term. However, the question is not only in personalities: western countries sharply changed their attitude to China. Before the forum start this EU tendency reduced a level of European optimism regarding Chinese ability to deter US hegemony. On the eve of his European round trip E. Macron suggested to create "a single European front" for talks with China. However, the "front" has already suffered losses: before Italy, the project has been backed by Hungary, Greece, Poland, Portugal and Croatia.

At any rate, the geopolitical center of the future world is moving towards the South-East Asia where new opposing political blocs are being formed. Say, a rivalry between India and China where new-Delhi is eager to advance independently by means of expanding trade relations with the Central Asia and Russia with subsequent access to Europe.

The essential point to remember is that Pakistan is an important partner of NSR going to invest above $50 bln in the project. This circumstance disturbs India which opposes laying a road via a disputed region of Kashmir. In turn, the Indian project poses threats to the West, for Iran is the central component of this project. The current situation in the world gives grounds to believe that a team India-Iran-Russia will be concerned not only about promotion of its own economic interests but Russia taken separately may become a central mediator in the relations between China and India. In turn, the United States is expected to form an alliance with India directed against Russia, China and Iran.

Besides, following the first forum Bejing set up a $ 50 bln fund to finance NSR projects. Another $100 bln are planned to draw through the China-initiated Asian Infrastructure Investments Bank (AIIB). Japan proved to be a one of the countries rejecting the Chinese global project. In 2015 it announced plans to grant $ 110 bln within five years for financing its infrastructure projects in Asia.

One should bear in mind that the central fighting of the 21 century is sure to concern three continents: Europe, America and Asia. In this respect, Europe has to decide between the West and the East. This choice manifested itself in a final document of the summit EU-China which said that China is "a global strategic competitor" of the EU.

Xi Jinping: "Member-countries must continue developing their infrastructure interrelation and deepen cooperation in digital economy with a view of achieving innovation growth. We must open our markets widely and create necessary conditions for unimpeded commodity flow. It is also essential to raise effectiveness of the financial system and develop the capital market.

Addressing the forum was V. Putin who suggested a North Marine Route Development project in conjunction with the Chinese "Marine Silk Road" and thus create a global competitive route linking north-eastern, eastern and southern parts of Asia with Europe. Besides, Putin considers it necessary to form a common energy infrastructure as important direction of cooperation in Eurasia.

Of interest is the fact Azerbaijan plays a key role in many variants of the NSR. This is explained as being due to the fact that our country managed to create a communication infrastructure ready to obsess with the external world (and did it partly in land and sea) in the northern, western and southern directions. It is not surprising that Baku has always supported NSR project implementation by signing with Bejing in 2015 a Memorandum on mutual understanding over joint promotion of the creation of "Economic belt of the Silk Road". A meeting between I. Aliyev and Xi Jinping (24.04.19) on the eve of the forum emphasized that Azerbaijan is one of the major partners in the cooperation with China on the Eurasia expanse; the country that first responded and actively participated in the "One Belt - One Road" project implementation.

In turn, I. Aliyev addressed the forum to single out an Alyat sea trade port and a new railway Baku-Tbilisi-Kars as important transport infrastructure. He emphasized that 15,000 km long roads had been laid in Azerbaijan; railways modernized; six international airports and the Caspian largest fleet numbering 260 ships.

Xi Jinping: "It is essential to decline from closedness and exclusiveness of interests. Instead, we suggest developing mutual investments to thereby ensure absolute transparency. Following the Chinese wisdom: if invested by a sand grain, we"ll have a big tower and ready to build a clean and honest "Silk Road".

It should be added that participants of the forum witnessed individual relations between leaders of Russia and China (Xi Jinping called V. Putin as his "closest friend", and Putin to Xi Jinping as "my dear friend"). Following a meeting between V. Aliyev and I. Aliyev there was announced about a regular summit Russia - Azerbaijan - Iran to be held in August this year in Moscow. In other words, leaders of their countries are seeking to fit into NSR by means of their own projects.

But what about the West? As has been noted above, as far back as in summer 2018 the EU leaders displayed unity with China at the Bejing summit as opposed to protectionism. However, earlier March 2019 the European commission found China not only as trade rival but as "a system rival" as well seeking to promote alternative ways of state and economy management. In this connection, measures were suggested by the EU tom oppose the Chinese economic model.

Under a signed declaration, Bejing is allegedly committed to decline from state subsidizing Chinese industrial enterprises that established the lead as opposed to European companies. At first sight, the EU managed to dissuade China from practice of "unwanted transfer of technologies" by foreign firms in exchange for access to the Chinese market. Note that a word "alleged" means that agreements are of conventional nature where any party may decline from agreement or carry on endless talks ...

The second forum "One Belt - One Road" was over in Bejing with signing agreements worth tens of billions of dollars (the Chinese leader specified a sum exceeding $64 bln). A forum communique pointed out that member-countries disagree with protectionism and measures contrary to WTO rules; for liberalization of trade and investments; they are seeking to increasingly open their markets. "We are supportive of international anti-corruption cooperation and work aimed at forming an atmosphere of absolute intolerance in the struggle against corruption in keeping with national interests and standards", a final document says.

In the meanwhile, it is reported that land forces of China will be reduced by half and released funds expended for the development of naval fleet, air forces, missile forces and "a group of strategic support". It is obvious that under the current circumstance Bejing is seeking to oppose not only new threats in air and water being upon the USA and allies but also create a security system throughout the NSR route. It is unmistakable that such a system is sure to become necessary in the nearest future.

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