Ilanlydag "blocked" traffic in the center of Baku

 The sample of the Ilanlydag mountain, one of the symbols of Nakhchivan, for several days, has been the  cause for termination of traffic  on the  Bulbul  avenue  in front of the  Heydar Aliyev Palace.

The layout  is part of decoration of the scenery that is deployed on a vast territory  due to  May 10  celebrated on May 10 as flowers day.

But this year, for the first time the border of happiness from 90 anniversary of Heydar Aliyev is  so "great" that went beyond the square and occupied the roadway. So, the layout  of the mountain is set  on the background of a portrait of Heydar Aliyev. According to the authors of the idea, it should symbolize the greatness and power of the Aliyev and his historical homeland.

The whole square before the palace also made to various models of historical monuments.

Apparently, by May 10, they will be  covered by the flowers or the mayor Hajibala Abutalibov  will come up with something special. So, every year he sets the  portrait of Heydar Aliyev of flowers, and is proud that this portrait becomes larger from year to year. So it is possible that citizens  will have  next "surprise".

Note that even a national holiday Novruz  is not marked by the authorities  so magnificently as May 10. -02В-


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