Activists are happy with the results of the action on May 14

Baku/16.05.22/Turan: On May 14, a group of public activists held a protest rally on the Baku Fountain Square. The action was held in order to protest against the growth of physical violence and threats against socio-political activists and media representatives. Most of the organizers of the protest were detained by the police even before the action. Nevertheless, the rally took place. Dozens of activists, accompanied by numerous police officers and journalists, marched from Fountain Square to the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, 100 meters to the building, the police began to break up the column of demonstrators, preventing its progress.

Attempts by the police to stop the protest were only temporary. After blocking dozens of protesters for some time, the police eventually allowed them to continue the rally.  Chanting - "No mafia forces!", "No  violence!", the activists approached the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and read out the resolution.

Public activist Bahtiyar  Hajiyev and co-founder of the human rights organization Line of Defense Zaur Akbar spoke about the ups and downs of this action in the Difficult Question program.

According to Bahtiyar Hajiyev, the principal decision of the organizing committee of this protest action was to refuse to apply to the Baku Executive Office for permission to hold a rally, to appear at the State Unitary Enterprise of Baku (despite the invitation).

“Through various intermediaries, we were asked to change the route of the demonstration. This proposal was also rejected. It was proposed to abandon such slogans as "No criminal state!", "No mafia state!" We also refused this offer. And in the end, according to the route and slogans we announced in advance, we expressed our protest to the leadership of law enforcement agencies and the political leadership,” the activist said.

According to him, there is an opinion that allegedly the authorities themselves provided an opportunity to hold a rally in order for social and political activists to pour out their energy, i.e. what is called "let off steam". But it's not.

“I want to assure you that this will not be the end, it was only the first step. Until the persons who committed crimes against Tofik Yagublu, me and Ayten Mammadova are identified, presented to the public and punished according to the Law, we will voice our demands in various ways. The main goal of our action was to break the chain of these crimes. I think if the authorities are able to analyze the situation, they will stop their criminal behavior,” he said.

Zaur Akbar supported the opinion of his colleague. According to him, the action was quite successful and caused a resonance in society. He drew attention to the fact that the slogans of the action were not directed against the political leadership and were associated with a problem that any citizen of the country may face.

“The main issue is the security of citizens. We, as social and political activists, suffer the most from insecurity. Therefore, we could not remain uninvolved in what is happening to our comrades,” he said, adding that, in his opinion, fairly wide sections of society are in solidarity with the demands put forward, although they did not take part in this action.—0—

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