Checks by the Chamber of Accounts

The coming check by the Accounts Chamber of Azerbaijan (ACA) will regard the expenditure of targeted funds allocated by the government to JSC Azerkosmos.

According to the report of the main fiscal supervisor, the auditors will also review the direction of attracting credits and extrabudgetary funds, the return of loans, as well as the intended use of state property. Checking the space agency established in 2010 was initiated by the ACA for the first time.

In addition, designated is a check of the Agstafa region executive power and the enterprises, offices and organizations owned by the Executive Power of Sheki for targeted use of budget funds allocated for housing. Moreover, scheduled is an inspection of public health services that are subordinate to the Department of Health of Sumgayit for forecasting and the use of funds allocated to them from the state budget .-- 17D-

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