Does Azerbaijan need insurance ombudsman?

The World Bank will help make insurance massive institution of civil society.

As part of its technical assistance project "Consumer protection and financial literacy", funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Azerbaijan can face a precedent of the insurance ombudsman.

The final statements are still far ahead, but the Public Service of Insurance Supervision Ministry of Finance study the experience of the advanced countries in the creation of the Institute of the Insurance Ombudsman, the head of this structure Namik Khalilov told Turan.

According to him, today they receive a lot of complaints of citizens about the insurance companies (especially for compulsory items), and the only way to resolve the conflicts is the court. Creating a service of human rights protection will relieve the courts, and at the same time give the industry in the hands of financiers, not lawyers.

In the last year (based on the proceedings of 2011, excluding litigation) the office ordered insurance companies to return the citizens more than 200 thousand manats on claims. -17D -


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