Fifth International Seminar TASIM

Today launched the 5th International Seminar on the construction of high-speed Trans-Eurasia Information Superhighway (Trans-Eurasian Information Super Highway, TASIM).

As noted in the press release of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan, an event attended by operators participating in the project - except for the Ministry of Communications is ChinaTelecom (China), Kaztranscom (Kazakhstan), Rostelecom (Russia) and Turktelekom (Turkey). The program includes discussion of the business model and strategy of the project TASIM, income-generating opportunities for transit from Asia to Europe and the World Bank proposal for a third route TASIM, and the laying of fiber-optic Trans-Caspian railway and other issues.

The purpose of the project TASIM is laying transnational fiber optic line, covering Eurasian countries from Western Europe to East Asia.

The project envisages the creation of the main transit link from Frankfurt to Hong Kong. The network will bring together the major centers of information exchange in Europe and Asia. The transit line will run through China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey to Germany. The spare North transit link will be held on the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Poland.

The first seminar on TASIM, which was attended by the company ChinaTelecom, Rostelecom, Turktelekom and Pantel, was held in Gabala (Azerbaijan) in July 2011. Following the meeting, the Secretariat was created by the project operators have agreed to start work on a detailed Memorandum of Understanding to establish a consortium TASIM.

The secretariat is currently TASIM plays the role of coordinator of basic telecom operators who have agreed to form a consortium. - 17D-

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