GDP Declined by 0.8 Billion Manat

In January of this year Azerbaijan produced Gross Domestic Product in the amount of 3.6 billion manat, the State Statistics Committee told Turan. At current prices, compared to the same period in 2014 GDP decreased by 0.8 billion manat or 18.2%.

According to estimates of SSC, according to the methodology of GDP calculation, value added in manufacturing and services as compared with January 2014 increased by 4.4% due to an increase in the volume.

In the field of non-oil sector GDP grew by 5.5% and in the oil and gas sector it grew by 3.1%.

The share of industry in GDP structure was 34%, which is one of the lowest rates after the oil boom since the early 2000s. The share of net taxes accounted for 10% of GDP, which is one of the highest in recent years.

This year the government expects the GDP at market prices in the amount of 59.8 billion manat. Economic growth should reach 4.4%. -0--

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