Ikiterefli Sigorta from AXA MBASK

The insurance company AXA MBASK continues to update the range of insurance products. At this time, the insurer has worked in the field of compulsory third party liability insurance, and offers its customers a unique insurance package Ikiterefli Sigorta.

As stated in the press release of the structure, for the convenience of car owners, the new insurance product from AXA MBASK, Ikiterefli Sigorta provides protection for both sides of the accident - that is, the owners of the car and by whose fault the accident occurred, and the injured third party.

Thus, the insurance policy covers not only the damage caused to the life, health and (or) property of third parties during the accident, but also the damage to the owner of the car, guilty of an insured event.

In addition, the new product includes the reimbursement of expenses incurred by the insured in the collection of documents required for obtaining their insurance payment. Ikiterefli Sigorta also includes the costs of the insured and the other side connected with the use of alternative transport after the incident.

Another advantage of this insurance product is that the sum insured is not reduced after the insurance payment, and applies to each insured event during the period of insurance. In addition, franchise is not applicable to this insurance package.

Once again, we note that Ikiterefli Sigorta is only available to customers of AXA MBASK having a policy of compulsory third party liability insurance. In order to purchase an insurance package Ikiterefli Sigorta, it is enough to apply to the nearest insurance agency companies in Baku and the regions. More information you can also get by calling (012) 950, or by clicking the link http://www.axambask.az/az/icbari-57.

UK AXA MBASK since 2010 began the process of implementing international standards AXA Group in the existing business processes of the company. So, embodying the plan for development of sales through a network of insurance agencies, in a short time throughout Azerbaijan were opened about 80 points of sales of insurance policies oriented to work with individuals and legal entities, as well as with financial institutions on all types of insurance.

European quality of service, as well as the timeliness and completeness of payments was the fact that the company in the short term has been awarded six international and national awards as the "Insurance Company of the Year". --17D-

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