Imminent food danger to Azerbaijan

Today at Kempinski Hotel-Badamdar the first results of the study "The State of food security in Azerbaijan: problems and resources" were announced. The speaker is Alliance Coordinator NGO Food Security Nizami Garayev.

According to him, many locals lose a significant amount of calories due to malnutrition. In view of this country in the "world hunger map" unreasonably located close to the risk zone - Africa and Latin America. International protein intake in absolute terms is 100, fats – 75, and carbohydrates - 452 grams per day. Actual average consumption of these substances in Azerbaijan is 75.4 grams protein, 72.8 fats and 460.5 grams carbohydrates (due to rice, vegetables, herbs and baked goods).

The main reason for holding back the growth in food production is reduction of land suitable for agriculture. Also important factor is the unresolved Karabakh conflict, as well as erosion, drought and floods. Global warming and the rise in price of energy are also in the "black list" of the producers. There is also a particular problem for Azerbaijan - reduction in the number and proportion of small and medium farmers.

As a result, Azerbaijanis products consume less than, for example, neighboring Russians. Judge chose to compare local indicators of per capita consumption is not too high with GOST (state) standards of the former USSR, and with the standards of the World Health Organization. So, the global rate of consumption of meat is 70 kg, in Azerbaijan - 27.8 kg per year, milk and dairy products 360 kg vs. 209.2 kg, fruit and berries - 80 kg to 47 kg. Not in our favor and other comparison - the ratio of consumed vegetables and melons - 140 kg vs. 96.1 kg, potatoes - 44.2 kg vs. 120.5 kg, fish and its products - 8.3 kg to 5 kg, eggs - 243 against 139 pieces, sugar and confectionery products - 36.5 kg versus 16.9 kg. The only position with a positive balance is bakery. We consume 133.8 kg instead of 120.5 kg of this standard (bread) product, which again does not speak in our favor.

The expert also noted the dominance of imports over agricultural production. For example, in 2012 (data for the last year not yet been released by State Statistics Committee) imported wheat worth $ 282 million (57.83 million compared with the results of 2011), Cattle in live weight - $ 27.88 million (+ 14.1), butter - $ 136.82 (17.82), fruit and vegetables - $ 264.3 million (37.5). There was increase in sugar imports - $ 176.5 million (10), vegetable oils - 221.7 million (60.2), alcoholic beverages - $ 21.3 million (7.55), etc. Significantly (by 230.2 thousand tons) decreased production of sugar, melons and vegetables - by 50.2 thousand tons of raw cotton - 11.8 thousand tons.

To exit from this situation are offered support initiatives aimed at creating a competitive environment in the interests of small and medium producers, consolidation and specialization of agricultural units, support local businesses while reducing the share of imports of agricultural products. In strategic terms, it is important to implementation of new technologies to increase productivity, modernization of the sectors of agriculture, development of infrastructure and information and marketing support, new approaches regulation of food markets. - 17D-

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