Share of Garibov in AXA Mbask is less than 10%

Insurance company AXA Mbask  is almost under full control of the head structure - Spanish "AXA Seguros Generales, SA, De Seguros Y Reaseguros". The share of foreign shareholder became overwhelming with growth stake in a joint insurance company «AXA Mbask» from 84% to 90.1369%.

According  to the annual financial reports  of AXA Mbask,  last year, the  share of the local  physical person (Eldar Garibov) in the capital of the insurance company "AXA Mbask" fell to 9.8631%.

The authorized capital of AXA Mbask is 8,732,520 manat. In January-June premiums  of the company totaled 9,113,890 manat,  payments – 4,461,090 manat. - 17D-

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