Unified Depository System of Government and Corporate Securities

Azerbaijan has completed the transition to a unified system of securities settlement after the auction. The work carried out in the framework of the State program of development of the securities market in Azerbaijan in 2011-2020 for the institutional development of the market.

According to the press service of the State Committee for Securities , a unified depository system of government and corporate securities. Simplified and optimized cycle of clearing and settlement . The entire architecture of trade and the clearing process was held by international experts under the "Project of modernization of capital markets."

As a result of legal, technical and organizational function of government securities depository and clearing and settlement system for securities transactions from September this year moved from BSE to the National Depository Center (NDC).

This means that from now on government securities will be stored in the depository center , on August 22 to get a license for clearing activities in the securities market . - 08D-


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