Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Baku/25.07.18/ Turan: The State Agency for Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources (SAARES) plans to build a station with a total capacity of 420 MW until 2021.

Such data are shown in the monitoring of the implementation in 2017 of the "Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Public Utilities (Electric and Thermal Energy, Water and Gas) in Azerbaijan" published by the Centre for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communications.

According to the monitoring data, the SAARES evaluated various types of alternative energy, whose total potential in Azerbaijan is estimated at 5.54 thousand MW, and identified the regions with the highest potential for renewable and alternative energy sources.

"In the period 2018-2020 the Agency plans to build new 420 MW power plants. To this end, the areas of future stations, capacities and the required volume of investments have already been determined," the document says.

In addition, it follows from monitoring data that the government of Azerbaijan plans in 2018-2020 to study the possibilities of privatization of power plants. "In 2018, the relevant state bodies will identify power plants, which may be subsequently privatized, as well as assets of strategic importance that are not subject to privatization. According to the results of this analysis, by the end of 2018, proposals for the privatization of power plants should be prepared and submitted to the government," the document stresses. -0

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