Court again left brother-in-law of PFPA leader detained

The Baku Appeal Court, presided over by Mirashi Huseynov, today considered a complaint from the deputy head of the Yasamal branch of Texnikabank, Elnur Seidov.

The complaint was filed on the decision of Sabail District Court on February 15, which refused to change the measure of restraint to house arrest. The Court of Appeal upheld that decision.

According to the lawyer Asabali Mustafayev, charges of fraud and other crimes are fabricated and politically motivated. According to Mustafayev, charges against Seidov are due to the fact that he is a brother-in-law of the leader of the PFPA, Ali Kerimli.

Seidov was arrested March 27, 2012 by the MNS. He was charged under articles 178.3.1 (fraud committed by an organized group), 178.3.2 (fraud committed with application of serious injury) 179.3.1 (misappropriation and embezzlement), 179.3.2 (misappropriation and embezzlement on a large scale), 308.2 (abuse of power), 313 (forgery) and 320.2 (falsification of stamps and documents) of the Criminal Code.

However, according to the lawyer, the prosecution has no valid evidence.

The counsel also considers conduct of the investigation by the MNS improper, for on these articles the investigation should have been conducted by prosecutors or the police.

Note that in March last year, a group of officials of Technikabank were arrested, including its leader Etibar Aliyev. Subsequently, the measure of restraint for him was changed and he was released.-16B06-


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