Maria Zakharova.

Maria Zakharova.

Baku/29.12.22/Turan: Allegations that Russia is forcing Armenia to join the Union State of Russia and Belarus are not true. This was stated at a briefing on Thursday by the press secretary of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zhakharova, refuted the words of the head of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan, said in an interview with the Public TV of Armenia.

"If people make such statements without providing facts, and moreover, they specifically mention the country, please, back it up with facts," she said and recalled that earlier the press secretary of the Russian President Peskov also said that none of the Russian officials ever didn't say anything like that.

Zakharova also denied Grigoryan's words that Moscow is imposing a decision on Yerevan to open the Zangezur corridor. Unblocking communications implies the sovereignty of the country over the routes through whose territory they run, she recalled. ---02D---

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