"Musavat" gives official start to presidential elections

Baku / 27.01.18 / Turan: The Musavat party gave an official start to the campaign for the presidential elections. At the congress in 2014, the party nominated its former chairman, now head of the Center for National Strategic Thought Isa Gambar, as presidential candidate.

At the session of the Mejlis of the party held on January 27, the Musavat electoral headquarters was formed, headed by the head of the party's executive apparatus Gulaga Aslanli.

Isa Gambar, who attended the session, noted the importance of the determination to achieve change in the country aimed at development.However, he pointed still existing Russian imperialism, which does not allow the country to live a real independence."The government of Putin continues this policy, while in the Azerbaijani government there are people who, for the sake of office, are ready to comply with any orders from Moscow.Tomorrow, if such a situation develops, they will be ready to subscribe both to the restoration of the USSR and the invitation of the Russian army. Such people continue to play a leading role in Azerbaijani politics,"Gambar said.He expressed his belief in the success of Musavat in the presidential elections.

"Along with January 20, there is January 31, birthday of MamedEminRasulzadeh (one of the founders of the Azerbaijan People's Republic: 1918-20). This great person, along with his colleagues, presented the Azerbaijani people the ideology of Musavatism. The victory is inevitable, a year, a month, a day of victory can be questionable, but the victory will inevitably come, I repeat once again that we will go this way till the end,"Gambar said. -0--

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