OSCE PA South Caucasus Representative urges fresh commitment from all sides to Nagorno-Karabakh resolution

COPENHAGEN, 5 August 2014 – Joao Soares (MP, Portugal), the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Special Representative on the South Caucasus, today expressed deep concern over recent deadly violence along the Line of Contact and the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and urged all parties to the conflict to recommit themselves to finding a peaceful resolution.

“The deteriorating security conditions and the current escalation in and around Nagorno-Karabakh demonstrate once again that the world cannot accept a conflict that remains ‘frozen’ for more than 20 years. All sides must refrain from acts of violence and provocation, especially against civilians, and urgently recommit themselves to a lasting, diplomatic resolution. The Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan must begin this week in Sochi,” Soares said.

“The international community, and the OSCE, in particular, must also take a fresh look at efforts to resolve the conflict and consider new ideas and mechanisms that can be implemented,” he added.

Special Representative Soares also noted the participation of the Armenian Delegation in the PA’s recently concluded 2014 Annual Session in Baku and called on the Armenian and Azerbaijani governments to support parliamentary and other forms of contact between their governments and societies.

The OSCE PA’s Special Representative on the South Caucasus is mandated by the Assembly’s President to follow the overall political situation in the region and seek to promote dialogue and confidence-building in all segments of society, in particular at the parliamentary level, in order to encourage reconciliation in the region.

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